Survival is simple, really. With 4 others, you try to survive as long as you can, with up to 2 people send hoards of enemies they imagine up at you. You can be any good character you want in this game, and you get an amount of HP and damage you can do according to how much posts you have.
People with 0-50 posts have/do: 50 HP , do 5 damage per attack.
People with 50-150 posts have/do: 75 HP , do 10 damage per attack.
People with 150-300 posts have/do: 100 HP , do 15 damage per attack.
People with 300-400 posts have/do: 125 HP , do 20 damage per attack.
People with 400+ posts have/do: 150 HP , do 25 damage per attack.
PM Jay or Bright if you have any more questions.
Post the template, and wait for 4 people to post and say they want to play. Then, you may start.
Name of Group (optional):
Specific People to Join Group?: